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Call It Out

Call It Out

Call It Out

‘Call It Out’ is a new civil society campaign to highlight and address the harm caused by homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in Ireland. The campaign is being led by the TENI and the team from the Hate and Hostility Research Group at the University of Limerick.

Despite recent positive changes for LGBT+ people in Ireland, many still experience harassment and intimidation simply because of who they are. This needs to change. LGBT+ people are so used to living with a background of prejudiced behaviour that they put up with abuse and insults. For many it feels like it is part of being who they are. We want to send a clear message to the LGBT+ community that homophobia, biphobia and transphobia are not acceptable. We want to tell people; no, you don’t have to stand for it. If you witness or experience homophobia, transphobia or biphobia, Call It Out.

For more information, visit

The Story Of Call It Out

TENI is a non-profit organisation supporting the trans community in Ireland. TENI seeks to improve the situation and advance the rights and equality of trans people and their families. Our Vision is an Ireland where trans people are understood, accepted and respected, and can participate fully in all aspects of Irish society. We depend on our members to help us achieve our goals. The campaign has been running throughout May and June this year including on TV, radio, online, through social media, on billboards, in washrooms, on merchandise and at events around the country. The response to the campaign has been phenomenal both from the general public and from our LGBT+ community.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of the community organisations, actors, models, artists, producers, influencers, supporters, allies and, in particular, all of the people from our wide LGBT+ family who contributed so meaningfully and so creatively to making this campaign a success.