Table of Contents
Resources for health service providers
TENI offer Transgender Awareness in a healthcare settings trainings.
This training covers terminology and language use; name and pronoun changes; legal and gender-affirming healthcare contexts in Ireland; transition barriers and access and trans allyship and inclusive service.
A. Trans Awareness in a Healthcare Setting
Caring for trans people in a clinical environment
B. Trans Mental Health
Caring for trans people in a clinical/therapeutic environment
C. Sexual Health Care
D. Gender Affirming Health in General Practice (for GP’s and trainee GP’s)
All of these trainings are further tailored to the audience and their relevant departments etc.
Contact to book a training.
Resources for trans people and their families
TENI life hacks are designed to provide information that we hope will make your life a little bit easier. Please remember that everyone is different and there are diverse experiences in the trans community. Our life hacks should be considered as guidance only and should not be taken in any way as medical advice.
Explore our extensive database of healthcare support services available on this link.
Pathways to Gender Affirming Healthcare, Ireland (Adult 17+)
Address: St. Columcille’s Hospital, Bray Rd, Loughlinstown, Co.Dublin, D18 E365
Phone: (01) 211 50 45
Referral Process: GP referral. To be sent to the above address/email. They will send back GP referral form to be filled out. No psychiatric/psychological referral necessary as all assessments are completed in-house.
Waiting List: 3+ years (increasing).
Clinical Lead: Dr.Karl Neff (Consultant Endocrinologist)
Liaison Psychiatrist: Dr. Paul Moran
General Process: GP referral – Waiting list- Minimum of two psychiatric/mental health assessments (additional assessments being required). MDT meeting to review cases, decision will then be made on a person’s progression to endocrinology for HRT.
Additional Services Provided:
Speech and Language Therapy
Access to Social Worker
Nurse Specialist in Gender
Referrals for Gender Affirming Surgeries
Assistance with filling out related paperwork
Assistance with self-administering injectable HRT
Blood testing
Gynaecology referrals
Address: Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Windmill Rd, Moneymore, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 VW28 (Dr Ahern is available only to people living in the North East)
Phone: (041) 9874600 and use extension 2285
Referral Process: GP referral and one referral from clinical psychologist or psychiatrist (Dr.Ahern has a list of practitioners that he will accept a psychiatric/psychological referral from. It is best to contact him for these names).
General Process: GP referral – Waiting list – First appointment will be sent to see endocrinology.
Consultant Endocrinologist: Dr. Tomas Ahern
Services Available:
Gynaecology Referrals
Gender Affirming Surgery Referral
Address: University Hospital Galway, Newcastle Road, Galway, H91 YR71
Phone: (091) 542711 (Direct)
Or phone main hospital (091) 524222 & use extension 2711
Waiting List: 4 years (Public) Case Dependant (Private)
Referral Process: GP referral & two separate referrals from two separate clinical psychologists and/or psychiatrists.
Referrals to be sent to: Attn/ Dr Marcia Bell, Diabetic Centre, University Hospital Galway, Newcastle Road, Galway, H91 YR71 or via HealthLink.
General Process: GP referral – Two separate clinical psychologist/psychiatrists referrals – Waiting list – First appointment will be sent to see endocrinology.
Consultant Endocrinologist: Dr. Marcia Bell
Services Available:
Gynaecology Referrals
Gender Affirming Surgery Referrals
Private service cost: Case dependent.
Private hybrid (online / in person) service. Assessment is €350 per appointment, and we hear that most people have 4-6 appointments before getting their prescriptions. There is then a €110 monthly subscription fee. For more information, contact Gender Plus on their website.
Endocrinologist: Dr Tomás Ahern
Pathway to Gender Affirming Healthcare, Ireland (Under 17)
Currently no public services exist for this age group. The HSE is in the process of creating an Irish based service, which will hopefully commence soon.
Gender Plus will treat patients aged 16 and over.
Private hybrid (online / in person) service. Assessment is €350 per appointment, and we hear that most people have 4-6 appointments before getting their prescriptions. There is then a €110 monthly subscription fee. For more information, contact Gender Plus on their website.
Endocrinologist: Dr Tomás Ahern
TENI services
We offer a range of support services that aim to increase the well-being of trans people and their families by providing support that mitigates common experiences of isolation, misunderstanding and exclusion. Call us on +353 (0) 1 873 3575 or email us at
TENI offers trans persons and their loved ones one to one support and guidance either in person, via zoom or on the phone.
TENI offers advice and guidance in relation to gender recognition, healthcare pathway options, workplaces and signposting to other services.
TENI works closely with service providers, workplaces and other organisations who serve or work directly with trans people to provide guidance and support as well as trans awareness trainings.
TENI has information on peer support groups available here
- TENI offers families one to one support and guidance either in person or via zoom depending on the location
- TENI offers advice and guidance in relation to schools, youth groups, healthcare pathway options and signposting to other services.
- TENI works closely with schools and other organisations who work directly with young people to provide guidance and support as well as trans awareness trainings.
- TENI has a variety of support groups available:
TransParenCI & Transformers are a set of support groups. These groups meet at the same time in the same venue but separate spaces for privacy. This way, both parents and young people are getting support whilst also supporting each other. A parent must be attending the TransParenCI group in order for a young person to attend the Transformers group.
TransParenCI Minis is a support group specifically for parents of 12 and under. Often the needs of families of younger children are different to those of teens. This group aims to support these families in a way that is not overwhelming, and looks at age appropriate responses to situations that may arise. These groups meet in person in Dublin, Cork, Waterford and Kerry as well as online.
Transcend is a support group for young people in the age bracket of 18-24yrs. Often young adults do not feel ready to join an adult peer support group initially but at the same time recognise that they have aged out of the Transformers age range. This group aims to bridge the gap between the adolescent services and the adult services. This group meets monthly online via zoom. Information on the different groups can be found on this link.
A listening and signposting service for family members of trans people. It runs on a Sunday evening from 6-9pm and a Tuesday morning from 10am-12pm. It is run by volunteers who are all parents of trans people. It is a great service for parents who want to talk to other parents and who might not be ready to reach out to TENI or join a support group yet. 01 907 3707. Our motto is ‘Families Supporting Families’.
TENI offer training to workplaces, schools, universities, healthcare providers, hospitality and other service providers. Our standard Trans 101 training covers language use and terminology including cisgender, transgender, and non-binary; name and pronoun changes; the healthcare and legal contexts in Ireland; transphobia and bullying; and trans allyship and active inclusion at individual and service level. This training is always tailored to the context of your group – for example, workplace training looks at policy and workplace relations; college and university training looks at staff-student interactions and third-level processes around name and gender change; and healthcare training is specific to the healthcare area in question (general practice, sexual health, reproductive health, other clinical settings).
Our primary and post-primary training sessions look at the specific contexts and experiences of transgender young people in Ireland and covers gender identity development in young people, mental and physical health, socialising, and other areas. The primary focus of the training is exploring how a school can support a young person and families during this time, name and pronoun use, preventing bullying, and practical considerations around uniforms, bathrooms and school trips.
Contact to book a training.
Other Services
In Ireland The Gender Recognition Act allows all individuals over the age of 18 to self-declare their own gender identity. Young people aged 16-17 can also be legally recognised, though the process is more onerous. Information on how to apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate can be found on this link.
Remember, you’re never alone. TENI are here to help you and provide you with the information you need when you need it. In a crisis (when someone might harm themselves, harm someone else, or is vulnerable to self-harm or suicide) it is important to get help as quickly as you can for yourself or the person you are concerned about.
Who Is Available? Click here to find out.
Contact TENI
01 873 3575