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Call for Applications to Join Our Board of Directors

Call for Applications to Join Our Board of Directors

We are delighted to be able to announce that our next Annual General Meeting will be taking place on Saturday 29th of July 2023. Further details and the venue will be published shortly.

In preparation for the meeting, we are now seeking nominations for individuals to be elected to join our Board of Directors. To be eligible to stand for election at the AGM, you will need to be a fully signed up member of the organisation as of midnight on Sunday 16th July.

We welcome applications from all community members and allies. We would also particularly like to increase our diversity in a number of areas these include:

  • The Traveller Community
  • Lived experience of Direct Provision
  • Disabled People
  • People from underserved faith communities

As a board member of an not for profit organisation there are a range of core skills that are needed to be effective in your role. We would encourage individuals to consider if their skills and background match with the following areas:

  • A passion to support the organisation’s mission to advance the rights and equality, and improve the lives of trans people and their families.
  • You have a strong sense of respectfulness and a collegiate approach when working with others.
  • You value curiosity and always come to the table with an open mind.
  • You are dependable and reliable. This includes a willingness to commit the time needed to support the organisation as a board member.
  • You value integrity, honesty and an ethical approach to leadership. An understanding of the responsibility that comes with being a board member and how your actions may reflect on the organisation.
  • You feel you have a specialist skill to bring to the table. As a board made up of entirely volunteers, it’s vital that the organisation has a broad mix of specialist skills and lived experience to ensure we are running effectively. These skills may include: HR, Finance, Digital Skills, Fundraising, Governance or another skilled area where you can contribute.

Being elected to the board is an un-paid position and directors are asked to be available for at least one board meeting a month. Alongside this, individuals are asked to support a selection of community events during the year depending on personal availability. This amounts to around 8 hours a month of volunteer time.

All new board members will receive an induction and information to support you with taking up your role. We aim to make joining as accessible as we can, however we would recommend individuals take time to read more broadly the responsibilities of being an NGO Director before putting themselves forward for election.

If you are interested in standing for election to join the board you must be available for a informal conversation with our Chairperson Sam Blanckensee on 15th of July 2023. If this date would impact on your ability to put yourself forward, please get in touch and we will try our best to support you in arranging an alternative time slot prior to our AGM.

Following an informal meeting with the Chair, applicants who wish to proceed will be put to the AGM on the 29th July 2023 to determine the new members of the organisation’s board for the coming period.

Interested in joining us? Please contact Sam Blanckensee –
For information around your membership status please email where one of the team will be able to support you.

The deadline for applications is Friday 21st July 2023 at 5pm.